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Our History

Humble Beginnings!

October 19, 1907

Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church was planted by Shoaly Branch Baptist Church. On motion, the church was named "Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church"; on motion, elected Brother L.B. Murray pastor for the next year. Then the presbytery delivered the church, duly organized and set apart to do the Lord's work.


December 21, 1907

A Building Committee was chosen. No written record appears concerning exactly when or at what cost the wooden framed the church was built. Bryan Carter remembers as a 9 year old boy going with his father to Doughton near Thurmond to help haul by horse drawn wagon lumber that was used to build the church. (Picture shown above)


September 1913

Pleasant Ridge joined the Stone Mountain Baptist Association at New Light Church.


November 20, 1960

By the time of the dedication of the new building in 1960, a well had been dug, plumbing and rest rooms installed, parking area surfaced and various other improvements made. On November 20, 1960, at the morning worship hour a special service dedicating the new building to the glory of God.


April 2000

In April of 2000 the church was authorized to secure a loan from BB&T, eventually barrowing the rest of the money needed to construct the new and current building.


December 2020
This has been a year of transition. God called Pastor Mitch Smith to a new church and God led our Associate/Youth Pastor Jason Lawson to a new ministry discipling missionaries in Western North Carolina. We are thankful for how God has used these men and their families to minister and strengthen God’s work here at Pleasant Ridge.


October 2021

On October 31st, the church voted to call John Newton as the Senior Pastor.  John officially began his ministry on December 1st. We are excited for how God will use Pastor John and his wife Cindy here at PRBC.

If Christ tarries His coming, may all members of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church remain faithful in service. Those who are alive at His coming, may He find us busy in His service. For one truth is certain after one hundred years: it is faithfulness to Christ that has brought Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church this far and faithfulness to Him that will take us into the future.


1997 Pleasant Ridge Rd, State Road, NC 28676

Phone: (336) 874-2875

Fax: (336) 874-2872

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© 2025 Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church

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