Ministries of PRBC
Find a Place to Plug In!
We have plenty of opportunities to serve at PRBC. Whether you are young or old, gifted to teach or a great learner, we have a place for you! We have a great variety of different ministries inside our Church. We know there is always room for more volunteers in every area! Please come and find a place to plug in today!
Sunday School
We believe that Sunday school is a vital part of growing in Christ. Our desire for each class is that we will grow together in God's word, bear one another's burdens through prayer, and draw closer to the Lord and one another. We meet at 10am each Sunday and have classes for all ages.
PRBC Youth
The Associate and Youth Pastor does a great job coming along side of your youth to help train and equip them for a lifetime of serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Our Youth meet for Bible study every Wednesday night at 7pm and for SLEAD every Sunday evening at 5pm
Senior Saints
The Senior Saints is for all senior citizens. We have a monthly outing which might be eating out or an activity of interest. Our aim is to always show Christ's love to all we meet as we enjoy our activities.
Baptist Men
Baptist Men is for all men of all ages. We do small projects in our community and on occasion outside our community for those with a need. We meet for breakfast, a devotion, and our monthly meeting the 1st Sunday of every month at 7:30am.
The High Spirits
Our group of Ladies love the Lord and strive to serve Him in many mission projects throughout the year.
Sisters in Christ
Our group is for Ladies of all ages. We combine fellowship, Bible Study, and Mission activities. We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month.
PR Kid'z
Our Childrens group meets for Bible Study on Wednesday night at 7pm. We study about missionaries and do mission projects.
Missions Committee
This committee seeks opportunities to serve Christ near and far by showing the love of Christ to others meeting physical and spiritual needs. This committee brings these needs to our congregation and encourages the church as the "Mission's Team" to join in, support, and pray for these activities.